
Sme 3PL poskytovateľ s vlastným systémom logistickej podpory e-commerce. Tovar automaticky posielame do vlastných skladov, kde pripravujeme, balíme a expedujeme objednávky až k vašim zákazníkom. Náš systém sa napojí na API vášho webu a zabezpečí všetko, čo treba.

However, you need not to worry about this at all.

I want a chilled-out offer
Hello! I will be your fulfillment master

How does it work

1 You create a cool product or order it from a supplier 2 We place it neatly and securely in our warehouses. 3 We connect your e-shop with PinkLama's systems once and for all. 4 The customer falls in love with your product and orders it through your e-shop. 5 We pack the order precisely and hand it over to the carrier 6 We track the order until successfully delivered. Potvrdíme vám, že je všetko v poriadku, a ak náhodou treba, we also keep an eye on complaints 1 You create a cool product or order it from a supplier 2 We place it neatly and securely in our warehouses. 3 We connect your e-shop with PinkLama's systems once and for all. 4 The customer falls in love with your product and orders it through your e-shop. 5 We pack the order precisely and hand it over to the carrier 6 We track the order until successfully delivered. We confirm that everything is in order and in case we also keep an eye on complaints

Return Centre

Ordered 10 jackets and returned 9?
What a bummer!

Aj keď celú logistiku zvládate, tú najhoršiu časť stále môžete hodiť na nás. Cez Return Centre prijmeme, vyhodnotíme, prebalíme a vybavíme akýkoľvek reklamovaný tovar. Službu jednoducho integrujeme do vašich zabehnutých procesov ako samostatný sklad.

I'am interested

Tired of logistics?

Pack it in.

I would like that!
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